All food will be freshly cooked at nursery. Menus have been carefully planned to meet the nutritional requirements of children and guidance from the Children's Food Trust has guided menu planning. Menus will be published in due course.
Mealtimes are an important time of day for children. Within the baby room the mealtime routine will be dictated by the individual needs of the babies themselves. Some babies may be fed in highchairs whilst others may sit at a table to eat. Some babies may still be bottle fed or feeding mothers may choose to come in to nursery to breast feed.
Within the toddler room children will eat in their key groups with their key practitioners, the same applies with children in preschool.
Preschool children will be expected to serve themselves from choices made available on their tables. Staff will support children to make healthy choices, e.g., to choose a balanced meal consisting of carbohydrates, protein and vegetables. Children in the preschool will eat from china plates and drink from glasses at all mealtimes, unless a risk assessments informs us otherwise. Toddlers and babies will use plastic plates and beakers.

Ofsted registered full day care nursery
Environmental Policy
Mill House Day Nursery has proudly embarked on a ‘Green Mark’ through Sutton Council. We have pledged to half our carbon emissions by 2030 and to be net-zero by 2050. We are very excited about this programme and we look forward to the positive impact this journey
will have on our business and on our environmental impact.
We have pledged to minimise our impact on the environment by adopting the following key strategies:
Actively promote recycling, ensuring that any waste that can be recycled is placed in the appropriate bins.
Monitor and evaluate landfill waste and make ongoing plans to assess how landfill can be reduced to a zero or negligible value.
Continue to use our current contractor for nappy waste as they recycle nappies to create bio fuel. Should this contract be terminated by either party ensure that the new provider delivers the same service.
Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible, in particular, printed waste which could be electronically managed.
Actively promote recycling both internally and amongst its customers, staff and suppliers.
Identify suppliers who have environmental policies that support us to minimise the impact we have on the environment.
Meet or exceed all the environmental legislation that relates to Mill House Day Nursery.
Compost raw vegetable and fruit waste in order that we may generate our own compost for future use.
Ensure that our curriculum teaches children about recycling and how we manage our environmental impact.
Promote our efforts broadly at meetings etc in order that we may share our successes, lead within our market, and support other nurseries to adopt similar policies and strategies around the environment.
We welcome ideas and suggestions on how we might be able to become more environmentally friendly!