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Observation, Assessment and Planning

Practitioners plan weekly for adult-led activities.  Their planning is informed by the observations and assessments they make on their key children and the input they receive from parents to ensure that children's needs and interests are met.  This planning strategy is referred to as the 'observation, assessment and planning cycle' (OAP) which forms the basis of all planning carried out by early years practitioners who work in settings which claim funding for children.  A 'Curriculum Map' has been written for the preschool children which can be viewed below.  This map provides a rough guide as to activities and themes which are used to inform planning.  The map is by no means set in stone, it's simply a guide to support planning.


Practitioners may also carry out 'in the moment planning' to capture an interest.  This type of planning is spontaneous and it allows practitioners and children to develop ideas, situations and scenarios that arise during play in order to sustain thought and to deepen knowledge, understanding and skills.


Parents have the opportunity to add their own observations to their children's records in order that individual records reflect the rich and diverse setting and home learning opportunities children experience as part of their development.  We use a platform called 'Tapestry' to record observations and to monitor progress.


Planning is posted on planning boards in each room in order that parents may be informed about the daily activities their children will experience.


The learning environment is also be planned to meet children's needs and interests, e.g., setting up interesting and meaningful interest areas to support learning and development.  


Mill House

44 - 46 Mill Green Road




Opening Hours:

Monday to Friday

8:00am to 6:00pm


Bank Holidays

1 week at Christmas

2 x Training Days





Ofsted Registration Number:  EY557263

Managing Director:

Deborah Sawh, BA (Hons)

Early Years Teacher

(c) 2018 Mill House Day Nursery                         Website created by FutureWorks Education Ltd

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